Features & Benefits

Features Benefits
Job Turbine combines the accessibility of the internet with the power of a desktop application. By integrating robust applicant tracking software with the look and feel of a web site, Job Turbine allows users to access the recruiting management features anywhere they have access to the Internet, not just from their work PC. The Web based format also greatly improves the lines of communication between recruiters and clients.
Job Turbine is provided as a full service online product. No need to install any software and because hosting and maintenance are included, there is no need to hire technical people to maintain the web site.
Employers can submit job orders directly from the public Web site. The employer does the data entry, the recruiter will not have to manually enter job orders. The easy job posting interface makes it convenient for the employer to post jobs at their convenience 24/7.
Job postings are stored in a searchable database. Candidates can search jobs based on skills, geography and key words. In the administrative tools, recruiters have the use of a more robust job search to aid in matching candidates with available positions.
Employers have full control over their online profiles, job postings and user management via the Account Manager. By allowing the employer the opportunity to edit their profiles, job postings, and control the access to their account, the recruiter does not get bogged down with maintenance issue involving employer accounts.
Candidates can post their resume from the public Web site. The candidate does the data entry, the recruiter will not have to manually enter resumes or candidate profiles. The easy resume posting interface makes it convenient for the candidate to post a resume at their convenience 24/7.
Automated job application process. When a candidate finds a job they like in the job search, they can submit an application on-line with the click of a button. This helps automate the process of matching potential candidates to available jobs.
Candidate resumes are stored in a searchable database. This makes it extremely easy for recruiters to match candidates with jobs by allowing them to search resumes by skill set, location and key words. Electronic storage of resumes is also a more convenient method than paper filing, and with regular data backup provided, losing a resume is not an issue.
Candidates can manage their own resume and profile via the Account Manager. No need for the recruiter to get involved in mundane maintenance tasks that can be easily performed by a candidate.
Site activity tracking at a glance. All of the activity on the site can be easily viewed in one convenient table. This table packages and sorts all incoming, updated, active and inactive requests and provides one click access to any of these requests.
Auto-notification of incoming requests. Recruiters can be automatically e-mailed notification of incoming resumes, job orders, applications and requests for resumes. Quick response improves professional image and probability of placing an applicant before they find another job.
User-friendly tools for entering, deleting and updating job opportunities, resumes and users. Recruiters can add, delete or edit job postings, resumes and users through a browser interface.
Easy-to-use content management system. Pain-free site updates, no knowledge of HTML or Web programming required to update the site content.
Customizable site "look and feel". Your site is guaranteed to be unique. You have complete control over the content and appearance of your site.
Browser-based site maintenance tools. Control your site's "look and feel" without the need for messy HTML editors or FTP clients. Updates are made in real time through an easy to use browser interface. Professional look-and-feel with no technical skills required.
Multiple levels of access to the recruiting management functionality within the recruiting firm. More granular control and division of responsibilities among staff members. Quite useful for bigger recruiting agencies.
Minimal learning curve. Job Turbine application is easy to learn and use. An average recruiter can become proficient within a few hours.
The Web servers running your site are housed in a data center with redundant connectivity, climate control, uninterruptible power system, standby generator, fire suppression system and physical security. Data security and peace of mind for you.